
expand on中文什么意思

发音:   用"expand on"造句
  • 详述
  • expand:    vt. 1.扩大(范围等);使增加;扩张;使膨胀。 2. ...
  • expand:    vt. 1.扩大(范围等);使增加;扩张;使膨胀。 2.展开,张开。 3.扩充,使发展;【释】扩编。 4.【数学】展开。 5.详述,引伸,写出(缩体)。 expand one's knowledge 增长知识。 expand the business 扩展企业。 birds expanding its wings 展开双翼的飞鸟。 vi. 1.扩大,扩张。 2.伸展,张开,延伸;膨胀 (opp. contract)。 3.扩充;发展(into)。 4.详述,引伸(on; upon)。 5.变得和蔼,感到舒畅。 The saplings have expanded into trees. 苗木已长成树。 -er, -or n. 扩张器;扩管器;扩口器。
  • expand into:    扩大为
  • expand to:    扩大为
  • ability to expand:    扩张力
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. After such treatment the fabric is often found to expand on washing .
  2. You mentioned the need for extra funding . would you expand on that ?
  3. In the following we will expand on this idea in a more realistic model that takes into account the dynamic aspects of the saturation behavior of the laser medium .
  4. This section expands on the fields described in the section



        expand onとは意味:~をさらに詳しく述べる The teacher wanted Julie to expand on her one-word answers. 教師は、ジュリーに彼女の一言のみの答えをさらに詳しく説明してほしいと要求した。
        expand on meaning: expand on ! Expand upon is more formal than expand on and is mostly used in writing. expand on/upon sth to give more details or information about something that you have alrea...


  1. expand mode 什么意思
  2. expand mutual contacts and exchange 什么意思
  3. expand nationwide 什么意思
  4. expand new sources of revenue 什么意思
  5. expand nonstonetwork,enn 什么意思
  6. expand on sth 什么意思
  7. expand one level 什么意思
  8. expand ones intellectual horizonss 什么意思
  9. expand one’s horizon 什么意思
  10. expand production capacity 什么意思


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